Member Passing – Fred Matheson

The Branch flag is flying at half mast in honour of Associate Member Fred Matheson.

It is with a heavy heart I have to announce that Associate member and long time friend Fred Matheson passed away suddenly last night.

Freddy was an advocate of Thorold Legion Minor Baseball for many years and served as president. He always had all the players best interests at heart.

As an honourary member of Protection Hose Company No. 1, Thorold’s Volunteers Firefighters, he was always around to lend a hand when needed.

Freddy volunteered with the Legion every week at Merrittville Speedway helping with the 50/50 draws.
He will be missed by so many people.

Rest in peace Comrade, Brother, and Friend!

Legion Week Events

The Branch is hosting a luncheon for Veterans & Seniors from the community on Thursday, Sept 22 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Please feel free to drop in for a visit and lunch.

Our annual awards banquet will be held on Friday, Sept 23 at 7:00 pm in the upstairs hall. If you are receiving a long service award you should have been notified by mail. All members and thir families are invited to attend. There will be a wine & cheese party afterwards in the clubhouse.